I love today’s topic:
I had 3 names I vacillated between for today’s topic:
- It’s not about you.
- Don’t take anything personally
- You’re special, but you’re not that special.
We are going to dig into how you can find peace and reduce anxiety when you stop making everything about you.
We will talk about why we make things all about us, and how this causes us to have anxiety. Then we will talk about how to stop doing this so that we can have peace.
President Nelson: “Decades ago, a professional colleague criticized me for having “too much temple” in me, and more than one supervisor penalized me because of my faith. I am convinced, however, that thinking celestial enhanced my career.” https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2023/10/51nelson?lang=eng
Elder Bednar : “When we believe or say we have been offended, we usually mean we feel insulted, mistreated, snubbed, or disrespected. And certainly clumsy, embarrassing, unprincipled, and mean-spirited things do occur in our interactions with other people that would allow us to take offense. However, it ultimately is impossible for another person to offend you or to offend me. Indeed, believing that another person offended us is fundamentally false. To be offended is a choice we make; it is not a condition inflicted or imposed upon us by someone or something else.” “And Nothing Shall Offend Them,” Elder David A. Bednar, October, 2006, General Conference. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2006/10/and-nothing-shall-offend-them?lang=eng
Bob Proctor “If you say something that upsets me, then I’ve given my power to you; I’ve permitted you to upset me. I’ve quit thinking and run into my subconscious mind. If I’m responding, I take a look and think, I wonder why he said that. It isn’t true at all. I’m actually a very nice person. I don’t have to accept that. Then you’re not reacting, you’re responding. That’s what people have to learn to do. I’ve taught this to kids. It’s changed their lives, because they were reacting to whatever was going on. I tell them, when you’re reacting, everything outside of you is in control of you; you’re not in control of yourself at all.” “Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life,” pg 32-83, Bob Proctor.
John 16:1
“Whatever people do, feel or say, don’t take it personally. If they tell you how wonderful you are, they are not saying that because of you. You know you are wonderful. It is not necessary to believe other people who tell you that you are wonderful. Don’t take anything personally. Even if someone got a gun and shot you in the head, it was nothing personal. Even at that extreme. Don’t take anything personally because by taking things personally you set yourself up to suffer for nothing.” “The Four Agreements,” pg 53, Don Miguel Ruiz