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Episode 24: Procrastination and Anxiety

The Joyful Life Podcast

Today we are talking about how procrastination can create anxiety.

I am going to give you some tips on how to stop procrastinating which will help with anxiety.  You are going to love it!

Procrastination is essentially not keeping commitments to ourselves.  When we aren’t keeping commitments to ourselves we don’t trust ourselves.  Which is crazy, because we actually have complete control over ourselves.  We are the ones that create our own lives.  We are in the driver’s seat and the sooner we realize this truth the sooner we begin to have more peace in our lives and we begin to create the lives that we want to be living.  

Dr. Tim Pychyl ⁠https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/dont-delay/201607/procrastination-101-its-not-about-feeling-it⁠

President Spencer W. Kimball and “Do it now.”  


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Elizabeth Wallis

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