Today we are talking about uncertainty and its link to anxiety. I will give you some tips on how to manage this uncertainty in yourself and how to teach your kids how to manage uncertainty..
I decided to create this specific podcast because I have experienced a LOT of uncertainty in my life. I’ll give you a little background into my life before I share what has been happening.
President Russell M. Nelson “The Joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives, and everything to do with the focus of our lives.”
President Russell M. Nelson “Seek and Expect Miracles.”
President Russell M. Nelson “The Lord loves effort.”
“We know that all is impermanent; we know that everything wears out. Although we can buy this truth intellectually, emotionally we have a deep-rooted aversion to it. We want permanence; we expect permanence. Our natural tendency is to seek security; we believe we can find it. We experience impermanence at the every day level as frustration. We use our daily activity as a shield against the fundamental ambiguity of our situation, expending tremendous energy trying to ward off impermanence and death. We don’t like it that our bodies change shape. We don’t like it that we age. We are afraid of wrinkles and sagging skin. We use health products as if we actually believe that our skin, our hair, our eyes and teeth, might somehow miraculously escape the truth of impermanence.” Pemo Chödrön “Comfortable With Uncertainty,” pg. 14