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Episode 27: Self Talk and Anxiety

The Joyful Life Podcast

Today’s topic is about the way we speak about ourselves and the impact that can have on anxiety.

The way we talk about ourselves has a positive or negative affect on the way we feel.

When we have negative language about ourselves we fill our lives with anxiety.

We will talk about how we very easily, without even realizing we are doing it, speak poorly of ourselves.

We will discuss how to stop our poor language habits so that we can find more peace and confidence.

John 6:35, 41, 48, 51

John 8:12

John 10:7, 9

John 10:11,14

John 11:25

John 14:6

John 15:1, 5

John 8

Lao-Tze “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny”

Mosiah 4:30

Moses 1

Matthew 7:7

Galatians 6:7

Elder Rasband, “Words Matter,” October 2024, General Conference,


Elder Juan Pablo Villar “His Hand Ready to Help us,” October 2024, General Conference,


D&C 18:10

Two Wolves Video: ⁠https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-iba-syn&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-syn&hspart=iba¶m1=rH5Cts4b3ZodvXRh7HNW9rNd74XnCVdBQT%2F38GMBHjg1iIHHR%2BGoEnr71PNSU9jq¶m2=9dUI1n2R0BLDxNuWfiP4aWyjOZc2NBa%2Bx2opBYQCDMSB7nBAfwbAzkkglZNKi5o21u72Jm8TatlnU7NDGbP7F8Lft0aXvravgWuUt1wLTDRGoZDy1s38eFH2mqhQf7J35YCbQdFh0U0Q40PE25%2BEeG%2Bt%2By660cfFWnTypqgOdcA8eqHVY39NSkDustAs9ioc9yKBuY54fA1nGhZr63YYDj3EOiChiYqSaC91uY5NN32Tg845kaWmg2PPgxqRxgIWwlZBTHSL8uHHVEUcCXLyWYI3%2Bl0ZksbvkRsadk9soi8%3D¶m3=NwVEMR%2FzKcG52XsVBYEh2zk2Yklq85vdfspZPoqz2M1qypHRDDTed5vIiOf0QJloJAws3N4BZ2OFCPQG%2BRw4WpTnzaTq2VmIHxERXcUW3rVQCtxOG%2BsIEOUp0%2Ff9ylXTGucyJu3wBF4BE4auNWzgxBvqbFCGrVGQ9GkQ%2BSUskULq7Aa34uRitq6qGMHZgv2NKQBCIYQWzCiBaQ%2FexgeOL1XZSdA9HlhYXPntAAYMP0%2BCU3NPkZtpaJa7xlPBXdegJbTHhRjBM9eIZ9QsGlIf5wo4rMVJkSSGx8htsET%2FMobMDZKm8SZ0nfYgMaIk931JJyVR9IOcawvBkqGM4rjjpzjT2B6M5x3gVqmcVdn4OlxwrxcoMYUnpOaDF3p5heB3jWJQeoruIIkiCBr%2Byq0Fh%2BJuMRlApGYNfzkQ5vmmzxRcBAT77AqVWGqtfimCdhil%2F6%2Fql9nGxd3xinPe3f4O%2B9hVY2OIYjKvS4hWJwHf8qk%3D¶m4=RAJYWrOAutHJIgHbSw2DACXhTCkrEbpieX54HHj7avY%3D&p=cherokee+legend+about+two+wolves&type=asbw_8063_CHW_US#id=1&vid=8976dbb47af900a45e7ec648c66e0e0f&action=click

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Elizabeth Wallis

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