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Episode 8: Buffering

Today I am talking about Buffering.  Buffering is what leads to addictive behavior. We are going to discuss exactly what Buffering is… Why we buffer…

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Episode 4: Empowered by Responsibility

The Joyful Life Podcast

You are going to love today’s episode! Today we are talking about taking responsibility for our lives.

We will talk about HOW responsibility allows you to have power over the results you are getting in your life.  

We will discuss HOW to unleash your personal power over the way you feel, by being responsible.  

We also go into HOW taking responsibility for the results in our lives gives us the power to be the best versions of ourselves.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Victor Frankl

“We cannot blame circumstances or others for a decision to act contrary to God’s commandments.” (“Be One With Christ,” Quentin L. Cook,  April 2024 General Conference). “Look unto Him in Every Thought,” Joy D. Jones, BYU Speeches, August 21, 2018.

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Elizabeth Wallis

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